
鄧璧如畢業於香港中文大學 (音樂碩士) 及美國紐約州立Geneseo大學 (電腦及鋼琴教學學士) 。現任元朗浸信會崇拜部顧問執事, 負責所有教會音樂組別, 為其中一成人詩班指揮, 樂器組指揮及教會司琴。在美國居住時, 在羅城華人基督教會擔任詩班指揮及教會司琴。亦於美國及香港參與不同音樂會的鋼琴合奏演出,具有豐富的演奏經驗。近年多參與香港及台灣合唱指揮大師班, 並在香港及歐洲短宣時擔任教會司琴訓練導師。

Peggy Pik-yu Tang holds a Master of Arts Degree in Music from the Chinese University in Hong Kong, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Computer Science and Piano Pedagogy from the State University of New York at Geneseo in the United States. Ms. Tang is currently the Deacon of Worship Department of Yuen Long Baptist Church and oversees all church music programs, including four choirs and other instrumental groups. She is also a choir conductor and pianist at Yuen Long Baptist Church. Prior to the current music director/conductor position, Ms. Tang conducted the Rochester Chinese Christian Church Choir while staying in the United States. Ms. Tang also made appearances as piano accompanist on different stages in the United States and Hong Kong. Recently, she actively participates in conducting masterclasses in Hong Kong and Taiwan as well as serves as piano instructor for keyboard classes for church musicians in Hong Kong and Europe during short term missionary trips.